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Making Sense of it
Welcome to Making Sense of It
Welcome & Introduction (5:25)
Part 1: Let's make sense of it
The journey to self-regulation (11:34)
Fire away (25:45)
Unique as a fingerprint (20:23)
The 8 Sensory Systems (43:10)
Part 2: What's your bucket size?
Large buckets (17:20)
Small buckets (24:28)
Mixed bucket sizes (7:09)
When the bucket overflows (51:02)
Part 3: Become a sensory detective
Calming versus alerting sensory input (61:04)
Sensory supportive home environment (48:37)
Sensory supportive learning environments (34:56)
Part 4: Thriving in our sensory world
Sensory needs, preferences and play & leisure (30:35)
Sensory needs, preferences and formal learning & work (12:58)
Sensory needs, preferences and self-care & sleep (29:41)
A few closing thoughts
Course closure and thank you (2:13)
Instagram Live Q & A's
Live Q & A: 24th November (22:57)
Live Q & A: 28th November (18:51)
Live Q & A: 2nd December (20:20)
Live Q & A: 5th December (29:06)
Sensory supportive learning environments
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